#somereallygoodones, #unknownphotographer, #snapshot, #tightropewirewalker
Here is a little brown snapshot. I have no idea of its history, but that seems the least of it. It is perfect in its shortcomings — no history, slightly out of focus … old. The man’s effort, silhouetted against a clear sky balanced over a terrain that may be trees or hills, splayed out against the light, makes me gasp. It is all managed in a two by three inch space too, an existential jewel, man against the world. It is absolutely still and quiet.
Unknown photographer, “Tightrope wire walker”, n.d.
When I collect, three things happen. The hair on the back of my neck stands up straight, the sound of my heart beating drowns out the sound of the voice inside my head saying that I cannot possibly afford it (although this image could not have been expensive), and my feet will always walk me up to the ones my heart and hair respond to.
It’s worth paying attention. Who knew your nipples could see?
#somereallygoodones, #theunseeneye, #wmhunt, #collectiondancingbear, #collectionblindpirate, #greatphotographs, #howilookatphotographs, #photographsfromtheunconsicous, #sansregard, #aperture, #thames&hudson, #actesud, #collectingislikerunningaroundinathunderstorm hopingyoullbehitbylightning, #aphotographsogooditmakesyoufartlightning, #photographychangeditlifeitgavemeone, #unknownphoto- grapher, #snapshot, #tightropewirewalker