#somereallygoodones, #davidlachapelle, #diesel. #alfredeisenstaedt
This is a ringingly happy picture with a perfect amount of transgression and fun. David LaChapelle is famous for his lusciously colorful and sensual photography. Here he is working uncharacteristically in black and white, with outrageous photo reportage from the disco in your head. The artist is riffing on the iconic Alfred Eisenstaedt shot of a sailor and nurse embracing in Times Square on V.J. Day 1945.
At the center of the action there is a real-life male couple of Bob Paris and Rod Jackson. Historically Paris was possibly the first professional athlete, in any sport, to come out publicly as gay while still actively competing. The intensity of the kiss is matched by the mad carryings on of the celebrating crew and their friends on the pier.
This is political and fun and all to sell jeans.
#somereallygoodones, #theunseeneye, #wmhunt, #collectiondancingbear, #collectionblindpirate, #greatphotographs, #howilookatphotographs, #photographsfromtheunconsicous, #collectingislikerunningaroundinathunderstormhopingyoullbehitbylightning, #aphotographsogooditmakesyoufartlightning, #photographychangeditlifeitgavemeone, #davidlachapelle, #diesel