#somereallygoodones, #cigharvey, #pink, #drownyourself
Cig Harvey, “All the Pink Flowers in the Garden”, 2020
Cig Harvey wants to take you by the hand and lead you into her special realm where the air is rarified and redolent of flowers. We walk as if in a dream state where our senses are on high alert. In her practice, the artist likes to make ”mind maps,” a technique of free associating that offers a creative person a graphic picture of their unconscious and conscious thinking simultaneously; they look like these flower petals but with words.
The bower of pinks, magentas, lavenders here are like a horse blanket for the winner of the sensory aesthete derby, a bee’s nirvana with one large erect pistil on the left of the image extending a welcome.
Harvey’s work more often features people, whose identities are not important to understanding the work although they are more recently the artist’s daughter a doppelgänger for the artist’s id and everyone else’s for that matter. Imagine that she is drowning herself in flower petals seeking entry to a heightened consciousness. Ohm. Synesthesia, when you experience one of your senses through another.
Here is the artist’s advice:
“Hydrangeas change their color depending on the pH level of the soil.
If you’ve had a shit day, go outside and bury your face in a MASSIVE hydrangea. Find one that is riotous and unruly, straight out of where the Wild Things Are.
If you just need a cuddle, select a purple variety with especially pouffy puffs.
If you need to find cutting words for an argument, search for a deep blue one and inhale it right to your toes.”*1
*1 Cig Harvey, “The Changing Color of Hydrangeas”. from “Blue Violet”, Monacelli Press, 2021
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